Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment
Currently the globally-connected world creates complexity for local decision makers. Environmental, social, organizational, and informational problems are pluralistic and messy. Systems approaches are required to reduce conflict and confusion. A key challenge is to apply holistic systems concepts to improve the lives of those served by systems of all kinds. This challenge motivated the theme for 2007’s ANZSYS conference—‘Systemic development: local solutions in a global environment’. This volume brings together nearly seventy papers covering the following topics:
- A globally-connected virtual world;
- Applications of creativity to systemic problem-solving;
- Conceptual modelling;
- Critical systems;
- Information systems;
- Managing systemic development;
- Organizational systems;
- Regional and environmental systems;
- Social systems;
- System dynamics;
- Systems theory/systems thinking.
Aldo A. Zagonel, Andrew Gill, Andrey Korotayev, Anita Hrast, Anson Li, Björn Johansson, Brian W. Bush, Bronwyn Howell, Bruce McKenzie, Bryan Bender, Carlos Comperatore, Chris Goldspink, Claes Svensson , Craig Standing, Cynthia Mitchell, Damjan Prosenak, Danuvasin Charoen, Darek Eriksson, David Matthews, David R. Thompson, Dennis R. Powell, Dmitri Bondarenko, Don Houston, Elena Sitnikova, Eli Berniker, Gerald Midgley, Greg Newbold, Hai Zhang, Ignacio J. Martinez-Moyano, Ioannis C. Theocharopoulos, Ivan Jensen, Ivan Tomek, J. Myles, J.P. Kropp, Jack Meek, Jacqueline Margetts, James Sheffield, Jan Gregor, Jane Palmer, Janet McIntyre-Mills, Jason Markham, Jeffrey Foote, Jiangning Wu, John Barton, John Davies, John Molineux, John Stephens, Jonas Hedman, Jorge Vélez-Castiblanco, Julia Göbel, Juliet Willetts, K. Eisenack, Kambiz Maani, Kaoru Yamaguchi, Kevin Laws, Leonid Grinin, Li Di, Lilac Berniker, Lili Rong, Lincoln Wood, Linus Vallén, Ljubica Mamula-Seadon, Lori Dauelsberg, Lorne Olfman, M.K.B. Lüdeke, Maria Hepi, Maria M. Konstantopoulou, Martin Tobias, Mary Ewers, N. Sriskandarajah, Nikiras A. Assimakopoulos, Nikolay Popov, P. Dobson, Paul Jackson, Pik Kwan Rivera, Qingquan Wang, R.G. Packham, R.J. Bawden, Ray Ison, Rick Giles, Robert Cavana, Robert Kay, Robert McLeod, Rod Barnett, Rod Sarah, Roger Attwater, Rosalind Armson, Salesio M. Kiura, Sean Devine, Sharon M. DeLand, Simon Chun Kwan Chui, Sohail Asghar, Stefan Henningsson, Stephen Cook, Stephen H. Conrad, Stephen McKernon, Stephen Russell, Steve Tighe, Susanna Nilsson, T. Cooper, Takahisa Yokoyama, Takayoshi Kato, Tanzi Smith, Terence Love, Terry Ryan, Tim Haslett, Timothy Ferris, Victoria Mabin, Vincent Vesterby, Virginia Baker, Wayne Hobbs, Yanzhong Dang, Yonggui Wang, Yoshitaka Nitta, Zdenka Ženko & Zhongtuo Wang.
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